Can Magnesium Help Decrease the Likelihood of Developing Mesothelioma?

Most experts suggest to take a balanced diet. Once you start taking a balanced diet, it means you start consuming most of the essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. But what about taking a diet rich in Magnesium? Do you know if it can help reduce the risk of mesothelioma?

magnesium rich foods

Just like any other nutrient, Magnesium also plays a vital role in the body. One of the crucial uses of Magnesium is that it can repair the DNA.

You might be wondering the relation of asbestos exposure and Magnesium. Well, you might be aware that asbestos exposure slowly damages the DNA of cells. And Magnesium has been found to repair the damaged DNA from asbestos fibers that are present in the body after asbestos exposure.

If a person has a history of asbestos exposure for long, it might develop into a serious ailment called mesothelioma. It has been seen during studies that magnesium can readily reduce the risk of developing mesothelioma and other types of cancers.

In fact, if you look at the cause of various diseases, most of them have a link to the deficiency of magnesium. It's because the deficiency of magnesium relates to a number of diseases including diabetes, kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease.

It has also been established that the deficiency of magnesium is associated with developing some serious ailments like mesothelioma and other types of cancers. At teh same time, it also relates to the weakened immune system.

As per a study published in journal Cell, it has been established that magnesium is required to activate body's T Cells as they are known to strengthening body's immune system and reducing the risk of cancer.

At the same time T cells also play a vital role to keep your body strong and safe from the attack of any disease.

Another similar research published in the journal Scientific indicates a direct link between lowering the risk of breast cancer with higher magnesium intake. The finding clearly indicates the direct association between magnesium intake of 400 mg/day to lower colorectal cancer risk in postmenopausal women.

In most of the recent researches, it has been found that magnesium plays a vital role in reducing the risk of cancers.

People who have a long history of asbestos exposure, one can hope for a remedy of developing mesothelioma. In fact, most of the future studies are focusing about the use of magnesium rich diet as a catalyst for the immune system.


Dietary Sources of Magnesium

To stay healthy, it will be best to take magnesium in your diet. In order to accomplish your goal, try taking magnesium rich food. You can also have a word with your doctor in case of a mineral deficiency.


Top Magnesium Sources

Pumpkin seeds

Mineral water

Bottled waters

Tap water

Cooked spinach

Chia seeds





Studies on dietary habits reveal that magnesium intake in the United States is below recommended levels. This can be because of the excessive use of processed food consumption among Americans.

Please note that the majority of magnesium is stored within your bones and cells, posing difficulties in accurately assessing magnesium levels.

Also Read: Association Found Between Immune-Mediated Diseases and Increased

Cancer Risk


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