CDC Reports Increase In Mesothelioma Deaths Among Women

As per a recent study published in the CDC’s (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, researchers have well analyzed the impact of mesothelioma causalities that were found to be larger in women than men in the US.


Out of many reasons in men, it was found that occupational exposure which is mostly found at the construction sites and manufacturing units, the exposure to asbestos has been found to be in the maximum range. 

There are some other studies found to cause the occurrence of mesothelioma in women as well. But there is no data to support that causality are higher in women due to the above condition.

Also Read: Asbestos Exposure: How Diseases & Risks Are Associated With Asbestos Exposure?



Details of Study 

In the present study conducted by the CDC, the researchers analyzed the causalities reported due to mesothelioma and further analyzed the temporal trends that were associated due to mesothelioma mortality rates among women residing mainly in the US. 

The research team basically managed to identify such mortalities due to mesothelioma from 1999 to 2020. 

The team of researchers also included the death certificates having the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) code for malignant mesothelioma. 

The above analysis mainly restricted to the mortality rates that were reported among women who aged 25 years or above after a long latency period observed due to the mesothelioma condition. 

The age adjusted mortality rates were further evaluated as per each state mainly to estimate the actual time trends in mortality across the entire country. 

In addition to the above, the research team also analyzed occupations of affected people during the four-digit 2012 US Census Bureau coding system. 

Also Read: Mesothelioma Tumors Successfully Shrink Using T Cell Biotech Test



A thorough study was conducted by the team of CDC researchers. It clearly showed the annual number of causalities that were found to be related due to mesothelioma among women potentially increased from 489 deaths in the year 1999 to 614 in 2020. 

On the other hand it was also found that the mortality rates per one million women was 4.83 in 1999 which reduced significantly to 4.15 in 2020.

In addition to the above, the maximum number of deaths due to mesothelioma was observed in the social assistance, health care and the homemaker occupation.


 Also Read: Top 2 Reasons of Development of Asbestos Cancer



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