Brain Cancer Immunotherapy Treatment Trail Comes Into Picture

A new trial has been started to patients who recently developed glioblastoma which is a fast moving and aggressive type of brain tumor. 

brain cancer immunotherapy

In order to treat such a medical ailment, a new clinical trial is being developed. As per the information, the trail will be carried out at as many as 15 sites across the United States and China.

Brain Cancer Immunotherapy Treatment Trail 

The aim of this type of trail will be basically to examine if immunotherapy brain cancer vaccine named SurVaxM improves clinical outcomes, especially when added to the standard-of-care chemotherapy Temodar (temozolomide). Researchers expect to enroll 265 patients who will be randomized in the trial.

This is what Abad stated in a press release, “For years, we’ve struggled to move the needle as far as good treatment options for glioblastoma. Our hope is that SurVaxM will offer patients both longer survival and better quality of life,” he said.

“To hopefully be on the precipice of meaningful progress against glioblastoma and to be able to possibly see my patients outside of the hospital — years after their diagnosis — would be incredible.” he added.

Along with receiving SurVaxM in their trail phase, they are also expected to receive montanide as well. It's basically an oil based substance or formulation that comes forward helping the patient's own immune system to recognize the drug.

It further came to light that researches also intended to give such patients with a 2nd injection of Leukine (sargramostim). It's basically a bone marrow simulant that helps to boost patient’s immune system at the first injection site.

As per the primary goal of giving such a treatment option to patients is comparing the effects of SurVaxM on overall survival rate. There are some secondary goals as well that are meant to track the number of grade 3nd 4 (severe and life-threatening) side effects, progression-free survival (PFS; time until disease progresses), as well as overall survival and PFS rates at specified time points.

SurVaxM is becoming quite popular offering treatment against such diseases. It was first developed by Dr. Robert Fenstermaker, Neurosurgery and Michael Ciesielski, assistant professor of Oncology. The same medicine is now being developed by MimiVax, a Buffalo. It's basically a New York-based pharmaceutical company.

The above vaccine basically works by targeting survivin. It's a type of protein that helps cancer cells persist.

This is what Fenstermaker stated, “Glioblastoma is a notoriously aggressive and hard-to-treat cancer. We are encouraged by the results from our earlier studies and excited to bring this treatment option to more brain cancer patients at more centers,” he said.

The above line of treatment has already been proved fruitful in a phase 2 study of 63 patients. They had up to 93.7% survival rate one year after diagnosis as compared to 66% survival rates in some other historical studies conducted earlier.

The brain cancer immunotherapy treatment trail is expected to be completed by April 2024. Researchers hope that this line of treatment is certainly going advantageous to hundreds of such patients.

Also Read: New Study Says COVID-19 Vaccines Are Safe for Cancer Patients


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